Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Somerset Patriots

Ball park of the patriots?

Td Bank Ball park

Mascot name?


Whats the wheather going to be like?

Cloudy with few showers

What league do they play in?

Atlantic All Star/ Freedom Divison

Who is the maneger and why is he famouse?

Sparky Lyle and he was the first Ameican to league the reliever to capture a Cy Young Award

Whens the next firework event?


Who did the somerset patriots just add to their roster - names and former teams played for?

Michael Hernandez from the Newark Bears
Jeff Kennard from Louisville
Jerry Dunn from the Brockton
RoxBen Grezlovski from the Long Island Ducks

List three intern positions availble witht he somerset patriots?

Culinary, hospitality and office internships

What is the patriots current record?

12 wins and 10 loses

Name 4 teams in the patriots league?

Somerset, York, Newark, Lancaster

What are the dimensions of the Ball park the patriots play in?

Left Field: 317 feetRight Field: 402 feetCenter Field: 315 feet

what is name of tallest player on patriots team?

Josh Preseley

Monday, May 10, 2010


Jeopardy Post

Jeopardy Blog Post

List your top 10 flaws or correctible issues you noticed from other presentations. Please list them with 3-4 sentences to clarify them

1. no contro, over teams

2.Miscalculation wioth points

3.Qestions were poorly gathered

4.answers werent rite

5.when qestions were clicked they didnt open

6. Turns for each team was unorganized

7.Too much calling out

8.Given time to answer qestions wasnt followed

9.No organization when giving out food

10.No decipline against loud teams

I will admit that my team a very little flaws but flaws non the less. More time could have been taken to fix the bad links. More dicipline could have been taken to control the teams. There needs to be more order when giving and taking away points. you need to make sure that the answers are rite.

Whose presentation did you like the best - please explain in a paragraph why.?

My favorite had to be Anthony timbols. The mojority of the class used the original blue formatt for the game. Anthony used a creative green and doffrent links. He had hard questions to go along with the new formatt. I it was refreshing to see a new and diffrent formatt being used after all that time seeing the same blue formatt.

Which Group asked the toughest questions in your opinion?

In my opinion I have to say that Alexa and her group had the harder qestions.

What would you change in your presentation if you had a chance to do it again.? why? please explain in paragraph form?

I would had tried to taken better control over the teams and I would have taken better control on timing the group to answer their qestions.

What was your favorite prize? Which group brought that prize in.?

I dont remember who brought in the prize becaouse there were alot of teams that brought it in but my favorite prize had the be the browinies. I think like 4 or 5 teams brought it in.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Child killer ( Halo Murder Case)

In October of 2007 A teenage boy by the name Daniel Petric Got hold of his fathers hand gun and shot his father and mother. His father was fortunate to live through this disaster but his mother wast so fortunate. Daniel was a ticking bomb he just needed a fuse and a flame to light that fuse. The fuse that ended up building Daniel's rage was a first person's shooter games called Halo3. In the early weeks leading up to the killings Daniel snuck out of his window and bought the Halo3 video game. When he returned home with the game his mother and father caught him with the game and took it from him. Weeks later Daniel got his father key where Daniels game was locked aside with a 9mm handgun. Daniel unlocked three distinct items his game,a handgun and a way to seek personal vendetta. Few Weeks later Daniel sneaked into his parents bedroom and shot his mother and father. After his action he tried to stage the murder to look like a suicide killing and fled the scene with nothing but his copy of Halo3. The prosecutor sated that the Halo3 game left Daniel mentally damaged. One person said that because of the theme of the game that left Daniel disturbed he didn't know upon killing his parents that he didn't know that his parents would be gone forever. Now you asked me what I believe in. Is it mentally or enviormentally that would drive children such as Daniel to kill? Well I believe that its both. That we are all assigned a fiat at birth. Either assigned a dark path with a dead end or bright path with a life long journey. I also believe that its also envioementally. Its almost in some way like the saying " you are what you eat". You are whats around you and whats instilled in you. Either you are brought up to be the best and most honest man or women you can be or you are brought up to feel no pain or regret. In some way we are all a reflection of Jackal & Hyde a man who rages war against his good side and his evil side. Most of us either choose to be good or are Lucky enough to be give the side of good. Once in a blue moon there are some who choose to be evil or are unfortunate to be give the dark side of evil. Its a personal fight we all rage but like in war there's a loser and a winner along with casualties. The best thing we can do is to know what side we fight for.