Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Symbolism Project

What is the name of the Current Novel you are reading?

Im currently reading Hole In The Wall.

What is the "basic idea" of the story (min 3 paragraphs) - please remember i have not read the story , provide me with a basic understanding of the novel.

A man in connected with a drug sumugeling and is cought. In prisionhe learns aboyt himself. He realizes that he wants to become better. He wantas to become a writter. When realesed he try's to find himself, to find a way to start. All this in an attemp to foget his apst and move on.

In the current novel your reading are their any gender stereotypes or symbols you have picked up on . Please explain

No not really this sorty is about this one man and whats going on with his life.

What is ALL the characters in your current novel were male.? Please explain how that would affect the novel ?

There wouldnt really be that much of an impact seeing how the story is about himself.

What is ALL the characters in your current novel were female? Please explain how that would affect the novel.

That would change the entire story and in some ways change how the character see's her options and how she would go about to be a writter and change her life.

Please provide the definition of SYMBOLISM in your own words.

Symoblism is when you look at a symbol or a picture and you think of that exact thing or a relevant idea.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How the government spends "our money?

Why did you pick this topic? Money is a huge issue for all americans and should be watched very carfuly on what and how much we spend.

what is your stance on this article? WHY? I think that most of that money should go to helping americans and trying to rebuild our economy. Thers a long list of usful things that money could comer to good use. On the ohter hand if the presedent and scientists think that a portion of that money should go to the study of volcanoes that we should just stand aside. I mean that they know something we dont, pluse it not like we can do anything about it anyway and who knows maybe it will be good in the long run.

Why do YOU think this article was selected as one of the TOP Controversial topics of 2009?

This was picked becouse not only are we in a ressesion and we are watching over every penny that the goverment spends but we are also watching what the president and the deccision that he makes.
Happiest staes reaveled.

Why did you pik this topic? Happiness is something that everyone looks to gian or acheive so this is something that is common.
What is your stand on the topic? I think that just becouse someone did a study mean that is always tue. diffrent poeple react diffrent ways. So natrually diffrent things make diffrent poeple haapy. Theres no sure one thing that makes everyone happy. Happieness is something that cant be found or reaveled it all up to you.

whats your stand on the topic?
I think that it was a waste of time and money trying to study happieness. All poeple are differnt. So naturally diffrewent thing will make diffrent poeple happy. There shouldnt be a study, its not something that you find an answer to. It's all about you and how you find or do whats makes you happy. Its you, its you life so make it a good one.

Why do you think this article was selected?
Happieness is a universal thing. Its a universal message or word and with how the times are now a days evryone is looking to be haapy.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Controversial Science of 2009

Spanking bad for the brain

Why did you pick this topic? It seemed very intresting and is a very common thing that you hear and see. almost all kids go through it and almost all parents endup doing it.

what is your stance on this article? WHY? I think that this old and senseless tradition should be something in the past. Exposing childrent to such thing can have a negative effect on children. Showing children that pyhsical punishment is giving them the idea that all mistakes has to have a physical punishment. Verbal punishment would have a better affect. times are changing and so should the way we raise and punish our kids.

Why do YOU think this article was selected as one of the TOP Controversial topics of 2009? Like I said befor its a very common thing that you see and hear about and nnot to mention that it been around for years.

Fetuses have memories!

Why did you pick this topic? This topic seemed like a breakthrough in medicine and that there alot of issue linked to fetuses.

what is your stance on this article? WHY? I think that abortions should still be poeples own chioce but this new dsicovery will make chioces much harder. Congress or who ever thinks that abortions shouldnt be allowed that a life is a life. Now people have a hard time to choose what to do or if they can even do it. Now poeple will ahve to know that their baby will most likely remember everthing.

Why do YOU think this article was selected as one of the TOP Controversial topics of 2009? I think it was choosen becouse all topic liked to this topic will now in some way change and change the way we think and feel about fetuses.