Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mans lifts car and saves child.

Do you think this article is real ? Why?
No becouse its kinda hard to beleive that a man could lift a car by himself.

Have you ever had an experience when your adrenaline took over and you were able to perfrom a feat you normally wouldnt be able to accomplish?
Other than running and geting a runners high no not really.

Should the driver who ran over the girl beheld responsible.?\
YES!YES!YES! it was his fault and he should have been more careful and you also have to remember that she just a child and doesnt know any better.

If you were a news reporter in charge of covering this news what other information would you include in this article. - explain why?
I would include how safe you have to be when in an area with childern. how you have to be careful and look behind you when you pull out and also that you have to watch your kids.

Sunday, December 20, 2009